On November 10, 2007 the Viking ship was professionally examined and evaluated inside and out, from stem to stern.
Howard Wellman, a conservator of archaeological materials who has done shipwreck archaeology, and Robert Fink, a boat builder, examined the ship. Their entire day was spent skillfully measuring, carefully probing, busily photographing and, copiously taking notes. Mr. Wellman’s report provided recommendations for arresting any deterioration and for the repair and preservation of this historic ship.
Roger Machin of Methods and Materials assessed the current situation and made recommendations for improving both the shelter and support of the Viking.
A committee of local and Chicago-area citizens banded together to launch this rescue mission for the ship, to stabilize the structure and to preserve it for future generations. In the short term, a substantial contribution from the Kane County Community Development Block Grant funds was used to complete this professional evaluation of the condition of the ship. Preservation Partners of the Fox Valley and the Norwegian National League also helped to finance this assessment, which resulted in detailed recommendations for the stabilization phase of the rescue project.

These recommendations were implemented in June 2008.
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