Partners in Preservation Award
On September 6, 2007 American Express and The National Trust for Historic Preservation announced its Chicago area grant initiative. Elizabeth Safanda applied for the grant. You Voted. We came in 2nd. Thank you for your votes!

Preservation Partners of the Fox Valley wins Richard Driehaus award!
Preservation Partners of the Fox Valley has received a Driehaus Award for Advocacy from Landmarks Illinois and the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation. Their efforts to stabilize and preserve the Viking ship in Geneva, Illinois were among nine projects recognized for historic preservation excellence… As stated by the Award’s Jury, “without the work of the Preservation Partners of the Fox Valley, the fate of this rare and invaluable historic resource would still be in jeopardy.” Read how Elizabeth Safanda was awarded the Richard Driehaus award for advocacy. HERE…
VIKING Victory!
Your votes carried us to victory! In November of, 2007 the Viking was awarded $52,000 by Partners in Preservation (American Express and the National Trust for Historic Preservation) for its stabilization and preservation. Friends of the Viking Ship is grateful to American Express & the National Trust for Historic Preservation for awarding $52,000 to the Viking.